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Welcome to Pattern Disruption
A Shamanic Journey through Performative Practices
Hosted by the Shamanic Dolls

6 week intensive April 7th- May 19th: SEE DATES BELOW

What would it feel like to INTERRUPT the pattern, RE-DEFINE your own embodiment, and SHINE your light on something the world would have you hide away?
We believe in the creative process as a healing modality. We believe that by healing yourself and sharing your journey, you can heal others.

This workshop is designed for people inspired to shine their truth brightly and give voice to the intuitive.

The intention of this workshop it to ARM you with lasting tools, techniques, and practices that will enable you to powerfully CRAFT your ritual performance and ACTIVATE your unique performative signature.

* Discover your cellular wisdom and excavate your unique interior archetypes
• Invent and refine a potent one-of-a-kind character
• Perform a ritual theater piece as your character
• Co-create and present an immersive theater experience other embodied light beings!

• Dance forms-inspired by spatial relativity, modern, ballet, and various indigenous styles
• Somatic studies/ Bio-mechanics
• Butoh and ritual based performative practices
• Acting techniques such as substitutions, anchoring, tactics, Laban techniques, Hagen,and more!
• Journaling assignments to develop character inner and outer realms
• Ritual craft and sacred object activation

6:30 pm-9:30 pm
Sundays and some Wednesdays
with a Sat. Sun. performance in May 

Week 1: Sunday, April 7
Week 2: Sunday,April 14 
No class (Easter)
Week 3: Wednesday, April 24 
Week 4: Sunday, April 28th 
Week 5: Sunday, May 5
Week 6: Sunday, May 12

Tech Week:
Wednesday, May 15
Thursday, May 16
Dress rehearsal: Friday May 17

Student Showcase: 
Evening Saturday May 18  (Full Moon)
Sunday Matinee: Sunday May 19th 
Venue TBA

Release Studios
1201 Santa Fe Dr, Suite D
Denver, Colorado
(303) 927-0555

This is a special performance event and is the ritual activation of the workshop and is open to the public. The show will feature all workshop participants in a collaborative immersive ritual theater piece crafted inside of the workshop. More details on the events to come.

$440 for entire workshop-
•Includes 18 hours of master level acting and performance training
•Weekly Ritual and deep healing journey
•One-on-one directorial consultation (1 hour)
•Character development workbook and guided journaling exercises
•Ritual craft materials and workshop
•Performance opportunity for your developed work, hosted and promoted by the Shamanic Dolls
*Payment plan available.

(Scholarships available for individuals with technical and organizational skills willing to support on the performance event and/or organization by appliction)

Shamanic Dolls is an interactive theater company devoted to the expansion of consciousness through ritual, activism, sacred comedy, political-burlesque, and embodiment of the divine. Our collaborative approach allows us to offer a powerful platform for artists to explore relevant topics in a unique and compelling way.

Melinda Cary~ (Cybele de BlondeLoch) has a BA in Musical Theater. She is a playwright, director, & performer and has had her original work produced in Denver, NYC, LA, Northern California, Colorado, India, Europe and major festivals across the US and abroad. Melinda has been creating performance art since 2001.

Maria Flegas~ (Earthaerial Kartwheel/ The Mercury Doll) is a dancer, therapist, Butoh artist, and professor. Maria has a master’s degree in dance therapy. She teaches somatic studies and modern dance at several Universities, including CU Boulder. She has performed internationally as a dancer. Recently she returned from Palestine where she taught dance and freedom of expression as part of the “Dance For Peace” project.

After purchasing your course package, please send an email to with the subject: PATTERN DISRUPTION that includes your name, phone number, best times to connect, and anything you’d like to share with us about your goals and desires for your experience.

We look forward to stepping into ritual space with you, and collectively curating something DIVINE! We hope that this workshop is just the beginning.

Pattern Disruption: Ritual Workshop Theater

Shakti, "Shake, and Shout" A Women's Sexual Empowerment Evening!

Come experience a Divine Connection and awaken power inside with this personal workshop for "WOMEN ONLY" at Release Studio! 

SUPER happy to return back to Release to teach again, this time will offer two powerful workshops of transformation and self-empowerment for (women only) on April 10th & 17th at 7:30pm!

THIS offering is to help awaken the power and beauty of the inner Shakti that has its own natural timeline and infinite realms of potentiality and insight!

This powerful workshop will help unlock more life force (prana), release stuck energies and unprocessed emotions that restrict the natural orgasmic flow of life to emerge.... During the journey you are guided to fully open your heart, scream shout, express your ecstasy so that you can awaken to your soul power.

SPECIAL EARLY BIRD for both or each workshops is April 1st!

Each workshop EARLY BIRD is ($28) OR for both is ($56)
AFTER April 1st is ($35) OR for both is ($75)

PLEASE go to PAYPAL to pay in ADVANCE and add your name with friends or family:

PRICE at DOOR is firm ($44) each workshop! Cash or Credit


Pleasure Principle (3 of 3)

PLEASURE: In class 1, we discussed DD’s Principles of Pleasure, one of the core ideas is love or self-love. In class 2, we learned about the ways we are wired for pleasure.  In this class, we will combine the power of both of these concepts to develop our own 21 Day Pleasure Plan.  If you want to amp up the pleasure, joy and juice in your life, join us for an intimate and practical discussion. 

Passes will be sold individually. Need not attend all three to benefit.  Great for couples and singles. ♥



Hey Everyone! This is going to be my very first set of dance classes, so don’t miss out! I will be charging only $12 per class. The contemporary class will be at 10:30am-11:30am and the HipHop class will be 11:30am-12:30pm.

My dance classes are very urban, modern, and cultured. Meaning that these classes will teach you what your body capabilities are, and expressing your emotions throughout your whole body.


Goat Yoga

Rocky Mountain Goat Yoga has partnered with our good friends at Release Studio for the 2018 winter season! That's right! Stay out of the cold and come snuggle some baby goats on a Saturday morning at a super cool yoga studio in the Santa Fe art district! Purchase tickets NOW because there are only 20 reservation per lesson!

Goat Yoga at Release Studio


Red Roots

Red roots will be a Ceremony of connection and rebirth.
we will be moving through a sequence of playful exercises, extending our roots of creation deep into the wet soil of Pacha Mama.🌹
The first two fundamental emotional needs of a baby are connection and attunement.
We get our connection needs met when we are held, lovingly touched, and nurtured. We get our attunement needs met when the caregiver tunes into our subtle emotional and physical needs.
If we do not get sufficient connection and attunement , We inevitably develop a sense of emotional abandonment.
When this happens, the infant is reluctant to allow their soul to come all the way into their body, and grow roots into the earth.
If truth be told, we find this dimension harsh, violent, overstimulating, dense and painful. On some level we seem to remember lighter planes of existence, and we really don’t want to be here! As a result we hover halfway out of our body, trying to achieve a degree of safety by not coming all the way in.
The fundamental challenge of the root chakra is fear. We are afraid for our survival and how we are going to get our needs met. In order to know courage you have to know fear. We will notice fears that come up and break through them through movement and meditation.

Do you have trouble really feeling that you belong in a city or community?

Do you ever feel shame about existing?

What would it feel like to be safely connected to the earth in your community?

How would it feel to be stable in a strong wind, like a tree with a great root system.

What to expect:
We will begin with opening circle including introduction and body awareness exercises.
From there we will open into some authentic relating and movement.
Once we have broken up stagnation we ground down into silence in the mind, body, and spirit. We will cozy up and take a journey with a guided imagery meditation to close. 

Tickets are $25.

Dress comfortable and wear red.♥️❤️♥️🌹
Rose tea will be provided.


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